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This project takes place on the unceded lands of the Onondowaga (Seneca) Nation, “Keepers of the Western Door,” of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy.  With respect, we honor the legacy and history of this land.   We honor the Native people both past and present.


 Weaving dance, music, photography, visual art, and storytelling, creators Rose Pasquarello Beauchamp, Trish Corcoran, Andrea A. Gluckman, and Stella Wang unveil the human and ecological memories of various sites from their indigenous beginnings through current times.  REMNANTS is designed as an immersive walking art installation involving multiple modalities.  The audience is invited to join in moving through the natural spaces of the performances.


Each performance of REMNANTS is unique, depending upon the site, performers, and stories being told. What is universal is the experience of space, story, and multiple modalities of art in an active and immersive adventure with the goal of uncovering histories and activating space.

Ancestor in Ellison 1 small
Anne Prayer by Water 2 MP
Nancy on Spruce-3
DizzFeet BW 2 MP
Heather A Color 2 MP
Anne Hand with Clouds-2 small

All images (c) 2024 by A. Gluckman/Aspexi Images unless otherwise noted.

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